Monday, August 31, 2009

Our Little Giant Can Flip Over!

So Titus seems to be living up to his name - not only in size, but in strength. At 6 days old, he flipped himself from his stomach to his back... we thought it was just a fluke, but he continues to do it just about every time I put him on his stomach now. For the doubting Thomases out there... here's a video to prove it :)

And while this has nothing to do with his strength, here's an adorable picture of him showing his softer side with the stuffed dog from my mom... she's getting him started early :)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Titus is One Month Old!

How did that happen already? I can't believe it has been a whole month!! It has been such an incredible month though – I am loving all of it – even when he cries or wakes up in the middle of the night. It is a joy to get to know this sweet little treasure – what makes him happy and sad, satisfied and frustrated. Here are a few of my favorite things about Titus:
  • his sweet smile – I love seeing him smile as he doses off and now just a couple times in reaction to Graham or me, too
  • his sneezes – I know this sounds funny, but there is nothing I’ve experienced that is as cute as his little sneezes
  • the way he holds my fingers so tightly when he’s upset and trying to calm down while he sucks his pacifier
  • his beautiful eyes
  • how cute he is in his little white outfit (this is our favorite color on him)
  • the way he reaches up after a nap and grabs my neck when I pick him up
  • how he waves his arms around like he’s conducting an orchestra when he’s hungry
  • how he looks all swaddled up with his hat on at night
  • how strong he is – I continue to be amazed by this kid’s strength (rolling over on day 6 and continuing to do it – even multiple times a day now, doing his squats that even feel like jumps now, and holding his up so well when he’s on his tummy)

Our New House (a few months ago...)

So we’ve been a bit negligent on the whole blogging thing for a while – wish we had a good excuse, but we don’t. I’m going to try to be better about it moving forward because I really want a chronicle of our sweet boy’s life so we’ll see how this goes… First, I’ve been meaning to put up pictures of our house now that it is a bit more settled… these are pictures pre-baby as you can tell J
