Over the last week, I've been reminded over and over how wonderful my husband is so I thought I ought to chronicle some of these things about him so I can remember in years to come (realizing my brain is less than functional these days and my memory is even worse :)). We had a great weekend together last week starting with the receipt of a sweet (and long!) love letter from Graham that I received about an hour before he came home. We had a great evening just talking (several full conversations!), walking, eating and playing with Titus. The next morning we had our very first outing post-baby while my brother-in-law, James, bravely took on the task of being the first babysitter for Titus. Graham has been so faithful to have a date with me every single week since sometime during our engagement... we still haven't missed a single week! About a year ago, we started having a relationship inventory one week out of every month and that week in September happened to fall last Saturday. As we went through our various questions (things we appreciate that the other person has done in the last month, something for the other person to think about moving forward, self-evaluation, relationship evaluation and favorite memory from the last month), I was struck by how pleasant, yet incredibly helpful, these conversations have been for us. It has allowed us to preempt a lot of fighting and be purposeful in relating to each other and preparing for parenthood. I'm so thankful for a husband who would do that with me. After breakfast at Denny's and the inventory, we had a chance to go play tennis, which was so fun. It was great to have a little freedom and fun together for a couple of hours - but we were very excited to get home and see Titus again just the same.
Here are a couple of things I appreciate about my wonderful husband:
1. His dedication to the Lord - he is faithful to spend time with Him and to lead me and Titus in the same (even if Titus doesn't understand yet... it's a cool pattern to set with him).
2. His faithfulness, kindness and gentleness towards me - he is so thoughtful and careful to find out what I'm feeling, what I need, how he can love and serve me more, etc. I'm so thankful for his continuous communication and dedication to fulfill the vow he made almost two years ago.
3. His integrity - even when he's really frustrated or exhausted, he is faithful to maintain the commitments he has made and to stand by his word.
4. His enthusiasm - anyone who knows Graham knows how incredibly excited he gets about EVERYTHING. I think this amuses a lot of people (and it amuses me, too), but it is such a great quality to have in a husband. I never have to wonder how he's feeling about me and Titus - he's very clear about that ;)
5. His love for Titus... I've never known anyone to be as excited about having a son as Graham was and is. He loves spending time with him and even treasures the opportunity to change his diaper over and over. Now that is dedication :)
Alright before I make everyone reading this a little nauseous (if I haven't already), I better stop :) Suffice it to say, I couldn't be happier to be married to Graham Patterson Clark and I don't think there could be a better life partner for me anywhere in the world. The Lord has blessed me richly.