Saturday, September 19, 2009

Names Have Meaning (Most of the Time)

Turns out, however, that most of our names for Titus don't mean anything. All the same, they might provide a little entertainment. Like Katie's Mom, who has called her everything from "Katie" to "Boo" and "Bopper" (and calls her husband Bruce "Ralph"), we have carried on the fine Wray Family tradition of calling our son whatever comes out at the moment. A few of them:

  • The Boop (the definite article is key here)
  • Doodle-bop (taken from one of Titus' nurses in the hospital)
  • Butterball (also taken from the nurse)
  • Bubber (origin is obscure)
  • Mr. T (you know where this comes from)
  • Little Baby Titus (I mean, come on, that's pretty cute - plus, it has good meter)
  • Bro! and Dude! (Graham's terms of endearment)
  • Mr. Man (Graham's personal favorite)
He takes it all in stride. Another one we don't have time to say, but that I still like, is "Titus the Tiny But Titanic Titan of Titanium." I'd also like to add a "Maximus" and "Aurelius" in there somewhere.



Amy said...

Wow -- he has a lot of names already! I like the long Titus the Tiny... one the best. And you're right -- Maximus and Aurelius would go well in there! He certainly is big and strong! It was good to see him yesterday... oh, and you guys too. :)

Unknown said...

I like Mr. T. I pity the fool who messes with Titus.
