Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Second Ann-i-versary

On October 7, Graham and I celebrated two years of marriage. In some ways it seems like it has been so short and in others I feel like I've known him forever and can't imagine life without him in it. It's been such a great couple of years - we've learned so much about each other and how to love and respect each other better. So we decided to spend the evening at Bonefish to celebrate and then we'll be going away Friday-Sunday this weekend to Davidson (I know - quite a long trip!) to celebrate some more :) So we got all dressed up to go out and found that Titus must have overheard us and got himself ready, too... here he is:

And here we are:

As part of the evening, we spent some time reminiscing about our favorite memories from the year and then we picked out our top 10 pictures (not necessarily highest quality, but symbols of some of our favorite memories) to put in our anniversary album. So here are our top 10 from the year:

Bentley's on 27 - my birthday last year

Our anniversary trip to the Virginia Creeper in Damascus, VA

Our anniversary dinner at home

Christmas at our apartment

Our first day in our first, new home!

Picnic at the whitewater center on our Stay-cation!

Bonclarken for the FHG retreat

Thanksgiving in Clifton Forge

Celebrating numerous events with the whole Wray family

Grove City reunion

1 comment:

Undeserving said...

So fun! What a great idea to pick the photos to reflect upon. I want to steal that idea. :-)

And what a handsome family you guys are! Titus is too sweet for words... I only hope I can meet him soon. And look at you... what a sexy mom!
