Monday, December 7, 2009

Where We've Been

Admittedly, I'm a bit of blog binge writer rather than the typical day-to-day or week-to-week writer, but we've also been away because our lives were altered slightly over the last several weeks... the Lord gave us a terrific opportunity to learn some things and so we've been busy with that and I've been catching up a bit on "normal life" since :) I have to say though, I can't wait for the next opportunity He will give us - and I hope it will require more sacrifice than the last so that I can grow deeper in love with Jesus. This experience helped me to peal back a layer (if you think of an onion) to glimpse more into His love and to His transforming power in my life, but now it just leaves me yearning for more. So while a lot of what I'll be posting in the next few days is a bit out of date, I do want to write and post anyways so we have records for later.

First, I want to chronicle some of the big things God has taught me in the last few weeks:
1. His love for us is so far beyond what I could've imagined. Thanks to Karin's and James' recommendation, my family is reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan for a family discussion at Christmas. As I read it (and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good shot in the arm!), I am convinced over and over of how little I really love - at least in the way I've been loved by Jesus and how He calls us to love in response.
2. I am far more judgmental than I'd ever like to admit, but as the Lord reveals this and softens my heart, I just pray like the apostle Paul, that He will carry this work that He has started to completion so that I might live free from judgment and self-deception.
3. I am blessed beyond what I could ever ask or imagine - and I mean that to the nth degree. To have an exceptional husband, a healthy and happy son, incredible siblings, parents and in-laws, a job for Graham that provides for us and even allows me to stay home with Titus, a wonderful home to live in, and the list goes on...
4. I really am spoiled. I know they always say that the last born is the most spoiled and they're right - but I've been spoiled even in my adult life with incredible siblings and spouses who continually amaze me with their deep love for the Lord, each other, their children and others around them. It has been so cool to have a front row seat to see how sacrifically they love and with such ease. They have each been blessed with different gifts, but they each use them in wonderful ways... I stand amazed and challenged to follow in their footsteps and again thankful beyond expression that I was placed in this family and not another. Over the last month or so, I was faced over and over again with how different my life could have been if I had been born to another family that didn't love the Lord and each other, or didn't respect girls, or didn't have the basic needs provided for, or didn't have a safe environment to live in, or any number of other things.

I've thought a lot, felt a lot and learned a lot in the last month, but what I am thankful for above all is that being faced with my selfish, sinful, fearful self has prompted me to run to Jesus and seek His face all the more. I pray that He will continue to reveal Himself and challenge me through the examples of my siblings and parents, through our friends and our church and through special opportunities like the one we had in November.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow, Kate -- you've been thinking a lot! That was supposed to come to a grinding halt when Titus was born.
You're NOT spoiled, by the way - You're the blessing to all of us!
