Wednesday, February 10, 2010

6 months (a couple of weeks ago)

As Strider kindly informed you earlier on our blog - Titus had his 1/2 birthday on January 29. Graham and I have been a bit nostalgic at the idea of Titus getting bigger and no longer being an infant... so I've been putting this post (and other things) off in hopes of keeping him tiny forever. It's not working though and in the last couple of weeks, Titus has had some big things to celebrate. He's now almost completely self-sufficient in sitting up (he still tips from time to time), can stand with an inanimate object and he has two teeth! He's such a joy to watch as he grows and discovers all kinds of things. It gives you such a great appreciation for things in life to see the pure joy and delight in his eyes as he sees things for the first time.

Here is a 6 month photo (same chair as always) and some others of him learning to sit and stand:

We had his six month appointment yesterday and learned that while he's still growing like a weed in height (92nd percentile), he's not so large in weight (only 16th percentile) and so I must force myself to enter the realm of solid foods with him. Stay tuned for the first feeding post - coming next!

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